[CH] Re: Datil peppers

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Fri, 13 Apr 2001 22:30:51

>From: Robert Farr <rbfarr@erols.com>

>Hotter than
>a Hab - yes.  But not as hot as Red Savina or Santaka...

Perhaps not as hot after all, or maybe not as hot when cooked into a sauce, 
but to bite one fresh off the bush gives such an immediate rush of heat, 
faster to me than any hab.  Lighter and aromatic, too, like slivovitz.  
Funny thing is, the ones I saw were just little pale green pods, kind of 
like skinny habs, and you'd never expect much from them just by looking at 
them.  The bushes were beautiful but the fruit was not really mature - this 
was in Jim's field, 1999.

If you can get fresh ones, pickle them with garlic.

- A

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