[CH] Chile Decorative Items - x/p DePepperMan

RisaG (radiorlg@home.com)
Fri, 13 Apr 2001 18:56:55 -0400

I saw this in a catalog and thought I should inform the chile-heads if they
are looking for things like this.

Catalog is called Terry's Village. The items are:

Chili Pepper Wind Sock (this is the way they spell Chile in the catalog) -
4-1/2' L
ED-26/6 $7.99

Six Glass Chili Peppers - ED-91/449  $9.95 for the set

Wooden Chili Pepper Door Hanger - 19-1/2" long
ED-91/1155   $9.95 (this is the one I'm sending for)

