eanut butter was ignored and 2 more plants were missing! Next night it ate most of the bait but did not set off the trap and one more plant. Got the crop robber tonight! (hope there is only one) Reset the trap just in case his buddies are also around. Never had a mouse problem before. Anyone else ever had a rodent problem with Chile seedlings? Subject: [CH] Mexican Oregano I have looked high and low for seed source. Also have had many request for same. Anyone ever found a good source? Enjoy the heat, Steve I have heard that Japanese telephone companies are putting chilly into telephone/video cable lines to stop rats eating into cables. If mice like chilli why woudn't rats?? Michael Bailes, The Fragrant Garden, Portsmouth Road, Erina. N.S.W. 2250 Australia. (OZ); International fax 61 243 651979 Phone02 4367 7322 Web page at: http://www.fragrantgarden.com.au/ Email: <fragrantgarden@fastlink.com.au> "Everyone over 40 is responsible for their own face." *****************************************************************