[CH] a warning about Pinetree Gardens

Sun, 20 May 2001 20:30:56 -0400

(Yes, this post does return to topic. :))

 > And we all drink for the buzz, baby...
> NA beer...what's the point?

Taste;  not everybody who drinks is always out for the buzz, not
everybody dislikes garden-variety American beer,  and not everybody who
likes the taste of a cold beer on a hot day can or will drink alcohol.  
But  let's talk about chiles for a minute, okay? :)   

Deal carefully with Pinetree Garden Seeds, folks; 
I'm a long-experienced seed-starter and had good 
soil and the right place for the flats,  but I got nearly no germination
from the Purple Cayenne seeds 
I ordered  from them , or from the Kellogg's Breakfast
tomatoes or Safari Primrose marigolds, either.  The chard and kale were
great, and so were the herbs, but their germination rates do seem to be
quite uneven, if this batch is any indication. 

Broke my heart, 'cause I rrrreeeeallly wanted those
lovely deep purple cayennes with mid-violet flowers.   
That's why I went on and started some Trifettis; dunno why, but I seem to
be jonesin' to grow 
 purple chiles. :)  I'm hoping for a plant or two I can transfer to the
windowsill at season's end; I think
they'd look stunning with the little red firecrackers on
my other plants.  

(Anybody else here grown Trifetti indoors?  Does it stay manageable in

Keep on rockin',
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