Re: [CH] Virus alert...and pieeeeee

Scott Peterson (
Sat, 26 May 2001 09:48:49 -0700

>At 01:20 AM 5/26/01 -0400, wrote:
> >Anyway:  Anybody here tried lacing a fruit pie with either habs or
> >cayenne?  I'm craving something like that lately.   Peach, apple or maybe
> >blueberry...or strawberry?

I tried habs and this works quite well with raspberries or 
blackberries.  This is one case where you don't want to overdo.  You want 
to keep the additional flavor very subtle. Too strong really doesn't work.

I've had spiced peaches and nectarines where habs have been added.  They 
were quite good.  I would think that this would probably work in pies 
too.  What I would probably do is cut the sugar way down so you don't have 
a super sweet pie.  Much closer to just the natural flavor and then add the 
hot stuff.

                          		Scott Peterson
Pardon my driving, I'm reloading.