[CH] My Little Story

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
26 May 01 15:34:45 -0800

 -=> Quoting "The Gamble Family" to All <=-

 "GF> I don't know if anyone really cares at all, but I thought I would
 "GF> just tell everyone what I have done regarding chilli growing. I am
 "GF> 12 years old and I live in Australia.

Hi from northern Canada.

 "GF> five chilli plants, NuMex Centennial, Oriental Hot, Hungarian Wax,
 "GF> Thai Hot and Serrano.
 "GF> About half a month ago I bought five more plants. One I am not
 "GF> sure of the type, the others are Ancho, Cherry Bomb Hydrid,
 "GF> Habenero Red and Hot Wax.

Nice selection.
 "GF> The Thai Hot, it seems to be getting eaten and shrinking.

 "GF>  My Ancho and Cherry Bomb plant are getting curled leaves.

I'm sure the gardeners here will jump in and have some tips.

 "GF> I record every chilli I pick and write about what I have done

With that kind of effort, in time, your success ratio will improve for


Jim in Yellowknife