Chad A Gard (
Thu, 31 May 2001 11:03:55 -0500

At 5:31 AM -0500 5/31/01, Charles P Demas wrote:
>On Wed, 30 May 2001, Fred Morris wrote:
>> Matt, just an idea - I've never tried it.  Get yourself one of those
>> super soaker water rifles the kids play with and put some Dave's or
>> Blairs in the water you put in it.  If you can hit the cat in the face
>> with that I bet he never comes back to your garden again!
>This is much kinder than the .22 caliber solution I would use on
>varmits.  You don't have to bury the remains either.

I won't get into the whole story, 'cause it's quite long.  But, pepper
sprays may not work.  They don't on 'possums.  I live inside the
Indianapolis city limits, so it's illegal to use the 12 gauge approach I
grew up with for 'possums and other annoying mean nasty ugly rodents.  But,
my neighbor and I had a major possum problem.  This thing actually attacked
people.  No, it didn't play dead.  it would jump on the hood of my car, and
hiss at me, barring its teeth when I'd go out the door to go to work in the

My neighbor cought it under a trash can one sunday morning, and we tried
calling animal control, but they wouldn't do anything unless it bit
someone.  Considering how aggressive the thing was, the fact that it was
frequently out and about in the day time, and that it advanced and acted
like it would bite you rather than playing possum, we thought there was a
likely chance it had something we didn't want to get should we be bit.  We
got one of my friends who's a Butler campus police officer to come over.
He maced it.  That didn't bother it.  He pepper sprayed it.  That didn't
bother it.  He wacked it upside the head with one of those riot battons
that expand outward and have a big lead ball on the end, and that just
seemed to make it mad.  Eventually it just sauntered away.

in the end, I cought it in a live trap with a raw, rotten egg, then let it
go in a nearby wildlife refuge type area (nearby being well over 40 miles

Chad Gard, CTS KB9WXQ
INCHASE:  Co-founder
SCOA:  Member #3
INSWA: Unit #21