IPMnet News PUNGENT PEPPER PUBLICATION PLEASES If there is anything about Capsicum spp. (peppers) that isn't discussed in NORTHEAST PEPPER INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) MANUAL, it's probably not worth noting. The 145-page, 2001 work warms up with discussions of nomenclature, descriptions, and even pungency ratings, all accompanied by lush, full-color photos (there are over 200). Then come the meaty chapters ranging from general IPM strategies to highly specific sections on insects, weeds, diseases, with a nod toward vertebrate pests, all couched in a rational pest management approach. A separate "Pesticide Supplement" presents ratings and product information. Editors T.J. Boucher and R.A. Ashley masterminded the contributions of more than a dozen specialists to produce a highly informative and graphically pleasing, photo laden, softbound resource that uses visuals and text to full advantage. *-- Comm. & Info. Technology, Univ. of Connecticut, 1376 Storrs R., U-4035 Storrs, CT 06269-4035, USA. Website: <www.hort.uconn.edu/ipm/veg/htms/pprmanl.htm. -- Bob Batson L 39 12 14 N 94 33 16 W rcb@kc.rr.com Kansas City TCS - Mystic Fire Priest USDA Zone 5 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Under the most controlled conditions, the experimental apparatus will do exactly as it pleases.