[CH] Harvest!

T. Matthew Evans (matt.evans@ce.gatech.edu)
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 09:18:22 -0400

Hi all --

Needed to share my joy....  My wife and I moved to ATL in August, so this is
our first garden in our new home (new soil, new climate...).  We've been
eating squash and cucumbers for a couple of weeks now, but last night we
picked our first chiles -- about 2 pounds (total) of cayenne, jalapeno,
cowhorn, and red hot (?!).  The red hot looks similar to NM chiles (a little
smaller) and the cowhorn looks like a narrower cayenne.

That said....  I tasted the cayenne (hot and delicious) and the cowhorn
(mild and grassy) last night, but haven't sampled the others.  Does anyone
know anything about the cowhorn or red hot chiles?  My local nursery sold
them, so I am growing them, but I know nothing about them.

Hope all is well in your gardens, kitchens, and brewhouses....
