[CH] Hot Lucks!

Sandy Olson (sandyo@willowtree.com)
Thu, 5 Jul 2001 18:46:12 -0500

My mouth is watering at all the talk of hot lucks around the country and 
I especially wish I could pop into Chip Welsh's in PA.   So, in order 
that I don't suffer from a case of "severe deprivation of hot food 
created by others syndrome" I would like to encourage any of you 
Midwesterners to help us make the Almost 5th Annual Midwest Hotluck a 
blazing success this year.  Renee is hosting in Minneapolis and some of 
the attendees are returning for the 4th time.  We, in the middle of the 
great plains, are far more scattered than you urban folk.  We have to be 
really committed (or at least certifiable for commitment) to drive hours 
and hours to get to one of these events.  Let's show 'em we care...or 
something like that!

CH #1146 of the moderate persuasion