At 08:51 PM 08/02/2001 -0400, you wrote: >Dave, how do you get on your mailing list? Pepper Jack of WV You unutterable fool! Now you'll never get on that list! Dave DeWitt is a classic spammer, he doesn't want people who want to be on his list, he wants to harvest email addresses without the permission of the lists he poaches off of and send out mass mailings to people who've never heard of him. Oh, the injustice of it all! Me, I'll probably never get off his list; after all, I requested he be added to Mindspring/Earthlink's list of spammers, reported him to an anti-spam organization on the web, *and* sent him a personal politely requesting I be removed from any further mailings. <wailing> Oh, the humanity of it all! Perhaps if everyone here on Chileheads will clap their hands and chant "I do believe fairi..." oops, "I don't believe in spammers"; perhaps if they all light a candle and chew a habenero, just maybe I can get off the list, and you can get on. Perhaps some of them will even do it neeked. Pam, clapping, chanting, and neeked --- "No spammer can ever die too broke, or too hungry." -shamelessly stolen from ADFP