well, i'll be damned...there may just be someone out there stranger than i... well, a close second, mebbe... Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles....... Rael64 >At 08:51 PM 08/02/2001 -0400, you wrote: >>Dave, how do you get on your mailing list? Pepper Jack of WV > >You unutterable fool! > >Now you'll never get on that list! Dave DeWitt is a classic >spammer, he doesn't want people who want to be on his list, >he wants to harvest email addresses without the permission >of the lists he poaches off of and send out mass mailings to >people who've never heard of him. > > Oh, the injustice of it all! Me, I'll probably never get off his >list; after all, I requested he be added to Mindspring/Earthlink's >list of spammers, reported him to an anti-spam organization on >the web, *and* sent him a personal email...er.... politely requesting >I be removed from any further mailings. > ><wailing> Oh, the humanity of it all! > >Perhaps if everyone here on Chileheads will clap their hands >and chant "I do believe fairi..." oops, "I don't believe in spammers"; >perhaps if they all light a candle and chew a habenero, just maybe >I can get off the list, and you can get on. > >Perhaps some of them will even do it neeked. > > >Pam, clapping, chanting, and neeked >--- > >"No spammer can ever die too broke, or too hungry." >-shamelessly stolen from ADFP