I've been reading reviews/criticism/evaluations of Windows and Office XP for a while now via the LockerGnome e-newsletters (available at http://www.lockergnome.com; I can't pretend no affiliation because I do subscribe to a couple of their newsletters, but I was curious: are there any other CHs who are also LockerGnomes? OnTopic element (to save this post from total irrelevance): my potted Thai Dragon, while having reached only about 6 inches in height, is now about 12 inches wide (it must be a bonsai pepper), and is weighted down with lovely fruit just waiting to ripen, not to mention a profusion of new buds. My red habanero is making its first efforts to produce blossom, and my cayenne, having produced four bright-red pods, is struggling. Pale, narrow, yellowish leaves; no further buds that can be detected; and a marked tendency to wilt despite partial shade and attentive watering. It's a pot plant in a 12-inch clay pot, being cultivated in the steambath which currently is Louisville, Kentucky. Any ideas what might be going wrong, and suggestions for fixing it, would be welcome. Cheers, Jonathan -- _______________________________________________ Get your free email from http://webmail.earthlink.net