Well, nevah evah disagree with a native of Tejas! I happen to have three different kinds of corn meal in mah cupboard! Yaller corn meal, whiate grits(yup, those kand!)(y'all!) AND blue corn flour!!! Top that all youse suthiners.....raht Randy?? Every trip we make to the USof AA(Rael & Rain) we stock up on grits, a staple in our house,for at least 40 yars! So, that last recipe, the corn mush,was a combination of grits and cornmeal, for those who have not tried that, it is a good combination....beat the heck outta it, just like polenta(the Eyetalian version of grits!!!) How evah y'all decide to do it, enjoy it!!! Cheers, Doug in BC...an Irish Cdn sorta mixed up cook! Ya there Rael?