Busy weekend here! Put up Hungarian Hot Wax in quart jars with vienegar, electric drying some orange habs, hopefully smoking some jals and habs later on. But here is a recipe given to me by my friend Pete, for putting up Hungarian Hot Wax in crocks. I have tasted his results, and they are to die for! 1. Use any size crock, I am using 3, and 10 gallon crocks 2. Split peppers, remove seeds and layer in crock, salting each layer liberally. (Pete stuffs some of his with anchovies) 3. Fill crock to top, and put a dinner plate, or something same diameter as inside of crock with a couple of pounds of weight on it. You may want to put cheesecloth on it to keep bugs and stuff out. Store in cool place 4. Let sit for 6-7 days draining water out every few days. 5. At the end of 7 days drain crock again and remove plate, or ? and weight. 6. Mix 1/3 cider vinegar with 2/3 olive oil (enough to cover peppers), and garlic cloves or powder, and oregano. Pour mixture into crock and mix into peppers, and cover. Let sit for a week or so and start enjoying! Be sure to keep crock covered. You can also pull some out and keep in a jar. Enjoy!