Hey KIDS, Support your local goat rancher <VBG> Please!! This industry is just getting off the ground in the USA and we need "gringos" to support it!!! Buy goat if you can find it. "Boer" goat meat has the reputation for being much more "beef like" without the fat. Be careful that you don't try to cook goat too fast. It IS VERY lean and will become boot leather without 'moist cooking'. But it is lean and healthy. And young goat should not taste like an old rank billy in full rut!!!!!! (Female goats don't smell or taste "goaty" no matter the season - It is only the big B'd guys that put out the musk!!! Neutered males don't either!!) Carol A. Sharpe Sharwa Farm Beef Cattle, Nubian and Boer Goats and a host of other Critters Fayetteville TN. (southern middle TN)