Paul Manure tea for seed starting, I use a 3 lb coffee can full of well composted cow manure, in 1 leg of panty hose. Placed that in a 5 gal plastic bucket and let it "Steep" for a couple weeks. Saved the "Tea" is a used liquid dishsoap container IIRC 42 oz.. You probably won't need that much unless you are growing a lot of plants. I used 1 tsp of this in a gal of water. I am still in the experimental stage with this stuff. The plants did not like 1 tbsp per gal of water. L.B. L.B. Yes I would be very interested in that recipe along with the manure one I read you used on "Ring of Fire" peppers this past spring. How did you make out with frost last night/this morning. Saved all peppers but lost everthing else.