Re: [CH] Nothing sets on my C. Pubescens / Rocoto :-(

Russ Spanard (
Sat, 17 Nov 2001 19:04:28 -0500

Sounds like you have a solitary C. pubescens plant, right? This exerpt from
Dewitt and Bosland's "The Pepper Garden" may identify the problem:

Regarding cultivation of  C. pubescens:
"Some plants may not fruit because of a self-incompatibility in the species. To
set fruit, pollen must be transferred by bees or humans from a neighboring

The book also states that C. pubescens does not cross with any of the major
cultivated species. So it sounds like your plant is lonely and needs a mate!

Hope that helps,

James Robertson wrote:

> A tale of great woe...
> My C. Pubescens (common name Manzano / Rocoto) just refuses to set fruit.
> It's in its second season, and growing along beautifully.  Has heaps of
> pretty blue flowers, but none of them set.