Re: [CH] CH] Starting pepper seeds

Paul Karpowicz (
Mon, 3 Dec 2001 21:49:14 -0500

  Russ Spanard had a great suggestion I'm gonna try soon. Cable box/VCR.
There always on & warm/just put seeds in media (YUCK!YUCK!) of choice.
   How'd you make out with that heirloom matoe that only produced a few
large fruit? To keep it on topic, I was lookin' at archives and saw a post
by you that said you grew different co;ors of Habs. You got any old seeds
around? Lastly, I have an odd Chile I'd like you to look at. Got it as a
Thai but appears to be a Thai/Tepin cross. Plant has up to a thousand 1/4"
long by 1/8 dia. fruit with maybe 2 seeds in fruit (some mature fruit have
NO seeds). Would love to forward you a branch for your thoughts.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Byron" <>
Sent: Monday, 03 December, 2001 8:16 PM
Subject: [CH] CH] Starting pepper seeds
> Hi all,
>     I have been trying to figure out how I am going to find a warm spot in
> this frigid old house in mid winter to get some of these peppers started.
> Carole

> Heating pad,  adjustable heat control,  plastic bag over the top.
> L.B.