Hey, one and all! See, I dint die after all!! Actually, we are retiring, at my advanced age, and we are moving in the building where I have been managing for the past 17 years! Moving from one apartment to another may not seem like much, but when we have been ensconced in the same one for 17 years, moving is such sweet sorrow, even if it is only across the lobby! Not that far, right Jim C? Anyway, doin other things was supposed to make ya go blind(untrue)but eating chile peppers, however hot, will just make your eyes water, NOT fall out! Old recipes? Check out http://www.PepperFool.com and look at some of my old ones. Don't give up, when I've completely retired, I will start posting recipes again. Or talk Jim Campbell into posting recipes! :-)) Cheers, old Doug in BC