[CH] Morels, Ramps, and Fiddleheads

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
19 May 02 14:32:30 -0800

 -=> Quoting "Chateau Stripmine" to All <=-

 JW> In Britain they call them rampions; in Canada we call them wild leeks.

Correction: The British name is ramson and refers to a related wild plant:
Allium ursinum.

 "S> Does anyone have a scientific name for these ramps? I'm wondering if
 "S> they are the same as the wild "onions" we have in Montana.

Allium tricoccum

There are at least twelve North American species of wild Alliums: 4
garlics, 5 onions, 2 leeks and 1 chive. I have never bothered to
determine which allium the wild onions that grows in the Arctic which I
harvest are. They may or may not be the same species that get called
wild leek in Ontario and Quebec or ramps in the Appalachians.

*All* alliums are edible.... bulb, stem and flower.

(There are poisonous look alikes but none of those have the distinctive
aroma when a leaf is snapped or a bulb scraped.)


                                                YK Jim