[CH] Startin' em young

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
01 Jun 02 07:07:14 -0800

 -=> Quoting "bradley ellis" to All <=-

 "e> http://news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,44101745E13762,00.html

My granddaughter could give that child a run for the money. She had her
first taste of chilies at 8 months. We were at a restaurant and I had
mixed up a french fry dip out of table condiments: ketchup, tobasco and
worcestershire sauce. She grabbed one of my fries, dipped it and started
to suck on it. You should have seen her eyes light up. She had a dreamy.
beatific smile on her face (and tears in her eyes but she kept dipping
and licking.)

At 12 months she picked a fresh cayenne from my plant and ate half. She
went toddling off to Grandma fanning her mouth with her hand and
yelling, "Hut! Hut! Hut!" My wife administered first aid in the form of
a crusty roll and half a glass of cream. Moments later she went back to
the living room and ate the other half.

A week later she picked a habanero and nibbled it even though I had told
her a hundred times not to even tough it before I could get across the
room to stop her. She told Grandma, "Mouf hurt. Too hut." and received
some more cream. My DIL, not a chile-head, nibbled a tiny piece of the
habanero and went into hysterics. She wanted an ambulance, was going to
sue me, and never allow my grand daughter to visit me again etc. The
tyke said, "Aw, Mom! Stop! It's not dat hut."

Later she would show people my garden of flower pots in the living room
and give lectures, "Dat's yellow.... it's anana (banana pepper). Dat's
mild. Dat's red.... it's cayse (cayenne). Dat's hut. Dat's oranch....
it's habbies. Doan touch!!! Too hut!!!"

Shortly thereafter my step-son, a chile-head of the moderate persuasion,
allowed her to have Frank's Hot Sauce whenever she wanted it. She put it
on everything he did. One day we caught her raiding the fridge and
drinking it!

When she was 2 she bought me a christmas present.... a bottle of
jalapeno stuffed olives. She told the grocery store clerk they were a
present for her grandfather and was told they were hot. She said, "I
know; I like's them too."

When she was 2 1/2 she bought me a Father's Day present. It was the
first one I have ever received. She went to a nursery specializing in
bedding plants and chose a banana pepper plant covered in blossoms. :-)

She is also a fan of lemons, mustard, horseradish, pickled onions,
sardines, smoked oysters, blue cheese, liverwurst and durian. Very weird
tastes for a lid.


                                                YK Jim