Re: [CH] anyone up to try this?!?!?

Babs Woods (
Tue, 18 Jun 2002 19:01:22 -0400


> Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 21:57:31 -0700
> From: Art Pierce <>
> Subject: Re: [CH] anyone up to try this?!?!?
> The chile-ed rum recipe on my son's site:
> suggests 1 to 4 sliced open habs per quart of rum. (The sugar
> isn't really necessary.)

Au contraire:  this is meant essentially as a hot liqueur.  
The sugar is needed.  As to how many habaneros, have at it to

> It's been done! And is excellent. (And you can always dilute
> it in a rum drink or a fruit smoothie.)
> At Scott & Rosewitha's hot luck in Palo Alto in mid-May this year,
> a San Francisco couple brought a 1.5 liter bottle of light Bacardi
> rum in which they had soaked 8 sliced savinas since 1998. The
> savinas had turned a pale milky white color. That works out to
> ~56,000 SUs per ounce. The rum was the hottest thing at this
> hot luck, but it went pretty quickly. (It would have made an
> excellent rum Bloody Mary.)

Jim and Linda do a quite creditable job with their rendering of this,
and have a special bottle they use for it (anyone who was there on
the 9th probably knows which bottle I mean).  JB, have you seen this
Special Bottle?  It's a wonderful bottle full of wonderfulness.

Mark Gelo has been wrestling with his rendering.  I'm wondering if
the rum you use (use your favourite to start, certainly) makes any
difference.  When this recipe works, it really works and as above, 
the rum can steep as long as you want it to, really.  As I said to
Mark, "It's one of my usual "basic infusions"", even though I was
talking at the time about the olives.  I'm a big fan of "set it and
forget it".  The rum is definitely done that way.
