Re: [CH] chili questions

The NorthEast ChileMan (
Tue, 18 Jun 2002 21:12:50 -0400

  Tom hit the flower squarely. Off the top of my head, I can't remember
which, although I believe it's C. frutescens, is the only pepper that
doesn't cross easily. All the others are like rabbits......Jals, Habs,
Hungarian Wax, Anaheim, etc. ....will be crossed by insects. Answer for next
part is, seeds you grew this tear will produce "true" fruit, if you try to
save seeds from these peppers, 1/4 will grow true, 1/4 will grow like
father, 1/4 will grow like mother, 1/4 will be "mutations"...cross between
mother & father. Some people believe growing "mutants" a pain....some people
believe a cross can be a good thing......I received seeds that someone sent
as a Jalapeno/Cayenne cross.... Had 100% germination, plants are growing
vigorously, waiting to see results.
     Hope this helps,
----- Original Message -----
From: "T" <>
To: "chili" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 18 June, 2002 5:24 AM
Subject: Re: [CH] chili questions

> > If I have my chilis close to each other (in Pots) will they cross
> pollinate and create a different pepper?
> Depends on the types.
> > Will the new pepper be the one that grows on that plant or the seeds for
> the next year?
> Next year.
> > How close is too close?
> Less than a mile.
> >  So far I have 4 jals, 4 habs, 1 each Hungarian wax and Anaheim.
> These types will all cross with each other.
> Tom