[CH] Tonight's visitor!

Diane Salts (diannesalts@attbi.com)
Fri, 2 Aug 2002 21:52:43 -0700

Now I've seen it all!
Just now as I was watching X files and looked up, the toys in my dog's basket were moving!!! As I watched the toys, out popped a tiny little possum head, IN MY DOGS TOY BOX!!! It's hot in the house and I have had the front door open. I guess it came in sometime this evening. I gently shoed it out the door, but it's still on the porch. I can see the cats in the yard and they won't come in the house past the possum.  I must say it was very cute! about 8 inches long not including it's tail!


In order to discover new lands, one must be 
willing to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.
- Anonymous