Hi C-H's, I can't say it better than Russ: >WHAT A WONDERFUL TIME! and what a wonderful group of people. Sharing time >with this group of chileheads (and one 'dhilehead'!) has greatly restored my >faith in humanity. Such universal generosity, good will, friendship, warmth >and, yes, some serious heat :-) was a memorable experience. But I'd also like to say a special thank you for treating Gavin so nicely. He had a great time and is still catching up on his sleep! >We took over 120 digital pics,................................. > Rather than post them on the web and make >CH's with non-broadband connections go comatose during downloads, I'd be >happy to burn copies of the final CD for anyone who would like one. That's a good idea. Could we pool all the images on one disk? Would you mind doing that Russ? (Cardinal dreading the picture of himself in wellies taken by Dewi.) -- --- Regards, Cameron.