Re: [CH] (The Full) Monty V8 #600

Cameron Begg (
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 12:42:40 -0400

Hi C-H's,


>   >Oh oh, did Camerons humor rub off on you at Open Fields? Hahahahahaha!!!!!


>believe it's Gavin who's the Monty Pythonist although I suppose when
>papa has a few too many brews, the Pythonist in him comes out as
>well, hmm?...but I am in my own right a Pythonist.  I'd wager I've
>been listening to MP for, oh, one or two years more than Gavin the

True, but his Dad has you beat(en)! When I was Gavin's age Wednesday
night was a special one. We listened to both Jimmy Saville's "Teen
and Twenty Disk Club" [E.Presley member#11321] on Radio Luxemburg
(49m band short wave), AND "The Goon Show." We would go over the
previous night's "Goon Show" at school on Thursday, doing as much as
we could collectively remember in the character voices. My brain is
still full of this rubbish! Sadly the last surviving Goon - Spike
Milligan - died recently.

I am not a "habaneros with everything" type, as I think the flavor
can be a bit overpowering. However I do think it lends itself to
certain combinations with mango being one of them. The snag is that
veal has a delicate flavor and I doubt you would taste it at all with
a mango/hab sauce unless you maybe blackened it? So perhaps coat the
meat with the sauce, burn it both sides and use the rest of the sauce
as a dressing?

                      Regards,               Cameron.