Re: [CH] Re: Nov Update

tucker (
Mon, 09 Dec 2002 23:04:32 -0600

The NorthEast ChileMan wrote:

> It's called a wipe you snit! I'm called on the carpet by a newbie parent,
> wait untill the wipe breaks or the poop is from his/her belly button to bung
> hole, then correct me!
>    ((((;>))))))))
> Save the pressure washer for diarrhea.

  Hey, that's POTENTIAL newbie parent.

  I'm still hoping she'll change her mind back again, while trying to talk my
way out of it and stall all that I can.

  I guess I could always just dry my chiles in the microwave...  with the door
open...  while standing in front of it naked...

  Sorry for the mental image, to anyone with a vivid imagination.


C-H # 2099
Silver Glen American Shorthairs