Re: [CH] Kidding with blood types.

Rob Pieters (
Sun, 29 Dec 2002 21:35:54 +0100

I think we all are a product of this age, and our children will be those of
the new age, etc, etc
Clone's or not, it doesn't matter if you can live your life and have some
I'm an O-type too, so it looks we are from the same source... and I'm one of
those who isn't brown...
That doesn't keep me out of my sleep;-)
Hot regards
Rob NL

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sujatha Matsuno" <>
To: "M. & L. Doster" <>; "CH" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2002 9:19 AM
Subject: [CH] Kidding with blood types.

> Konichi-wa Minna-san,
> (Hello to all)
> Oh my goodness!!
> Being an 0-type oh lordy lord where did I come
> from????
> Why is it that I am brown and lots of others are
> not???
> Yikes, I must be the product of this life form's
> rejects!
> The unwanteds were a byproduct I suppose.
> Remember the movie Twins?
> We the odd looking people (according to the Realiens)
> must now look for the real reason why the South East
> Asians are consumed with spicying up our food.
> What say you all??
> Am I a clone??
> OOOhhhh how I shall be able to sleep knowing that I am
> an experiment..........