Re: [CH] FAQ

AndyB (
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 15:19:55 -0500

Alex Silbajoris wrote:
> I looked at the site quickly two days ago, and again just now.  I like the
> way you have it set up, it just needs material.
Good.  Yes.

> We also need a way to let people know it's there - telling list members is
> easy, but how about someone who has never read the list?  
Search engines.

> If the site re-creation does happen, then we just need a link to your FAQ.

> Then, how to tell people about the re-created site ... probably submit it to
> various search engines.

This can happen automatically, albeit some what slowly: 
One places on the main page a "metacommand" for and with a bunch of appropriate key words. E.G.: chile pepper chilehead list etc.

The search robots pick up on these, and the site will then appear on appropriate searches.

> Thanks for all your efforts, I wish I hade more time to devote to this.  I
> hope to write up some submissions, mimicing your existing code, so you could
> just paste them in to the page.
Great, look forward to them.

> - A
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