RisaG (
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 14:29:35 -0800 (PST)

I used to refrigerate my sauces and don't anymore,
only homemade ones that haven't been canned. I figure
there is enough vinegar in them to preserve them for a
long time. No one has gotten poisoned yet! 

I have 6-8 sauces on the table at all times. The only
one that looks worse-for-wear is my hubby's Frank's
Red Hot and that is because we keep on refilling it
from a gallon jug in the basement. It has changed
color a bit but no taste in flavor or texture.

Just my 2 cents,

--- Fred Morris <> wrote:
> Well, Andy, I have a fridge full of bottles, but it
> dawned on me that I
> have never in my life put my Tabasco sauce there. 
> Why all the others
> and not it?  I don't know, but I never had any ill
> experience from it.
> Methinks the cap and acid level of most sauces would
> make them safe to
> store at room temp?  I'm no expert though.
> Fred the habaneronut

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