Re: [CH] Wave a White Flag- Put Away The Pistol

The NorthEast ChileMan (
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 20:11:57 -0500

Hi Paul,
Cleaning hard drive, came across this one, Snip:
> For only the second time in the 9 or 10 years I have been on this
> list, someone makes it into my kill-troll filter.
I made a few kill-troll filters a year in a half back, I wasn't the first
was I?

> This is a list about Chiles and eating the heat. (I got a nice
> surprise late crop of Orange Rocotos in the last couple of weeks. I
> thought they were all done for the year.)

Another list member is fond of Rocotos & is looking for seeds from Orange,
did he contact you?

>>Damn Doug, you went & scaird another listmember to another list:
>>When ya gonna learn ta keep ya BC opionions ta yaself so's ya stop scarin
>>off 1st time posters whos only tryin to make a livin in da state of

M> Actually it seems he started postiñg there back iñ December.  Still
M> sportiñg the same fixatioñ to dissiñg the Red Saviña too.  Seems somewhat
M> of a oñe trick poñy.

M> =Mark

He is not finding folks quite as polite over there either (^_^)
 Talk to you later,

Well I hope you post more often & let us know how your Rocoto's do. Do you
overwinter inside or is it warm enough in your part of  kalyforna to leave

Yours in heat,
Paul (in the frigid Northeast, -4°F last night)

Oh, is this where I'm suppose to leave some "cute" saying?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Wilson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, 19 December, 2002 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: [CH] Wave a White Flag- Put Away The Pistol
> Thursday, 12/19/2002, 8:17 AM
> Hi Rob K, and chile-heads,
> you wrote about:' Wave a White Flag- Put Away The Pistol'
> I thank God every day that alpha-man gore was not able to steal the
> election. My wife and daughters don't look good in burkas.
> Have a nice day and be gone Sir!
>  I shall not talk to you later,
>                   Paul
> --
> Back off, I'm a postal worker.
> The Bat! Version: 1.62 Christmas Edition