Don't knwo if it was already mentioned on the list, but French's has a line of "gourmet" mayo's, including Chipotle chile. To my pleasure and suprise, it actually had some kick and flavor. Went well both on mesquite smoked turkey from the deli, and on tuna fish. if and when it eventually gets warm in the NYC area, I plan to try it on a family recipe for cucumber salad. Peel a cucucumber and slice thin. Mix a marinade of 2 tablespoons mayo (here I'll try the chipotle mayo) and 1 teaspoon sharp mustard, such as a dijon mustard. Spread the mix over the cukes and mix thoroughly. Put in refreigerator for at least 3 hours - I often do this overnight - and serve. I like to garnish with a bit of dill. Bernie