ON further examination of my huge crop of 4 plants :^) , it appears that only one is affected. It has been the runt of the litter, so that should have clued me into possible problems. >>> "John Dickson" <jdickson@global.net.au> 07/16/03 04:30PM >>> BER is a big problem in west OZ. Our local agricultural dept recommend the use of superphosphate as the preplanting fertiliser and also a good dose of pulverised shell grit. John D ----- Original Message ----- From: "Doug Irvine" <dougandmarie@shaw.ca> To: "George A. Starkey" <gas@kdlegal.com> Cc: <chile-heads@globalgarden.com>; <tmattevans@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 1:37 AM Subject: Re: [CH] Roma tomato rot question > > > George A. Starkey wrote: > > So then, adding lime would be of benefit, correct? > > > > > >>Help me Obi-wan Chipotle, you're my only hope! > OR...get egg shells! Save your egg shells, pulverize them in a blender > with the water you are going to sprinkle the maters with! I have been > using egg shells for some time, before transplant, I worked them into > the soil, transplanted, and then sprinkled more around the plant. Seems > to work, never get BER! Thanks Risa G! Cheers, Doug in you know where, > George! >