RE: [CH] What's eatin my serannos?

Parkhurst, Scott Contractor (PARKHURS@LEAV-EMH1.ARMY.MIL)
Wed, 9 Jun 1999 09:45:12 -0500

     > >if someone can look and tell me what's up and what 
     > >I need to do then I'll make a web page later to help 
     > >people with this problem in the future.

	>ok the consensus seems to be slugs/caterpillars

	I agree with caterpillars.  I actually found one of the
	culprits.   I had the same type of damage to some of 
	my peppers right after transplanting.  There was 
	worse damage to the smaller plants, while the more 
	robust transplants had fewer leaves with damage.  Do
	something to control the damage until they get a 
	little stronger ( I used Sevin (yeah, I
	and they should be able to handle the attacks without
	further intervention.  Since the littler plants survived the
	initial onslaught and have been growing nicely, I have
	not had to re-apply the "hard stuff".

	FWIW:  I have found that for those that choose to use
	chemical controls you can get good results by using
	WAY LESS at application than the labels say.  But 
	be sure to read the _entire_ label, especially the parts
	about safe handling and how far before harvest it is
	safe to apply.

	Scott... working on "greener" techniques... KCK