Mary-Anne I go to our hispanic market and get all kinds of chilis for about 3-5 a pound.... got all kinds of guajillos and serranos and anjis this way, had a galloon jar full... it takes a LOT to make POUND! Costplus? I've never seen peppers in bulk there. Anyway if people wanna send me some money I'll go on a chili run. And I mean BUYING them :) ------------- Grr I hate the way this is set up, I try and answer the list and I end up answering privately.. I'm more likely to answer to list than the person, and I hate "replly to all" because then I send TWO messages out and clutter up their email... why is it set this way? this is a silly way to set up response. To say nothing about getting kvetched at because I shared an email virus warning because *I'm* vulnerable by people's possible ignorance! Just for reference I've manage over 10 email lists. Majordomo to onelist to listserv. Currently managing 4. So I'm well aware of list management. *Kvetch* IE, I don't really appreciate being treated like a moron because I emailed an virus warning, but let me EXPLAIN why I DID. I *KNEW* it was off topic. This is an *email list*. Whether the list maintainer is on linux or a Mac has little bearing on this. I have maintained lists when I've been inundated, even after the warning, with the "happy99.exe" virus. Though I clean my system regularly, because I AM computer savvy, it's a huge annoyance. And unlike the few messages I got from the listowner, etc, this came through much before the notice. When I issue an email worm notice it is as much for my *OWN* protection because on large email lists 90% of folks are not on every silly email list that issues virus warnings. I'm NOT trying to be obnoxious, unlike many, I only issue virus warning when I know they are REAL. As a list administrator and system administrator I know how much damage they can do. But because this is an EMAIL LIST about chilis, an EMAIL list is MORE vulnerable to a lack of knowledge because people come on all the time. I don't see why warning people about a REAL emaill virus is inappropriate on an EMAIL list, considering it is through them they are most often spread. I've had these things spread on a variety of email lists, because most people aren't aware of them when they are only subscribed to email lists of interest. Therefore I think coming down on people if they take time to warn people about inadvertentedlly transmitted email viruses ill-advised unless you just have a glee about seeing people with PC systems suffering from ignorance. It might be that those on MACS and LINUX like to see those on windows suffer, is that it? There are a great deal of people who are new to the net *from this message*, and this might be their first time on an email list and their first understanding that viruses can be transmitted through attached files. granted I think they should get to know their systems better but, heck I lived and learned myself and because of that, I don't think it inappropriate to bring it up. IE I don't understand why I was jumped on. I'm protecting myself, first of all, and I sent a valid email warning about a valid problem... it crashed my father's system yesterday and he in the staff judiciary of the USAF, even though it has a lot of protections, this has a unique way of squeezing through. All it would take is ONE person sending this to the Chilihead digest and it could cause a considerable probem to an unwitting employee. Please consider that. I won't bring it up again unless I get an intelligent response, even though I know it's a valid issue.