Re: [CH] Neem

Nels Peterson (
Fri, 18 Jun 1999 22:48:17 -0500

Don't call your county agent for a "blessing"  on an illegal application of
any pesticide.  A lot of gardeners (pepper growers too) (and farmers)call me
for these, blessings, after they have applied a pesticide and want to know
if it is "safe" to eat, sell, or use.  All we can tell you that it is an
'off label' application and we can't tell you it is okay.

Nels in ND

>For you folks thinking about this stuff a word of caution.
>The only brand I could find in a 50 mile radius was "Natural Garden()"
>On the front of the label it said "Do not use on vegetables."
>Please READ THE LABEL before applying.   