Gareth the ChileKnight wrote: >An herbalist-nutritionist passed on a comment that chiles are not heart >healthy. He added that they "can be" deleterious to coronary artery disease. > Sounds like bunk to me. Anyone on here know better? (Studies and stuff) I cannot cite a study, but I do know that heart patients (those who have had a coronary) are often advised by physicians not to eat hot peppers. They are also advised not to climb stairs. We all know that climbing stairs is good for a healthy person, but those with a damaged heart can experience severe shortness of breath if they attempt it. It seems the increased heart rate and sweat that chiles produce are also not good for a heart that has been damaged and is recovering from a heart attack. I'm no medical expert, but I can't imagine that chiles contain anything that would be deleterious to a healthy cardiovascular system. Porter