[CH] seedlings

Michael Scott (scott@clove.net.au)
Tue, 01 Jan 1980 00:16:06 +0930

hey chilli ppl,
               I now have seedlings for many varieties of pepper and due 
to it being my first time growing them, have some questions about 'em;
Some leaves on selected varieties appear to have wavey sort of crinkle 
cut edges on them, is this at all normal?
secondly my jalepenos leaves have began to curl up slightly, does this 
mean they are going to die?
lastly, I have used some miracle-grow liquid fertillizer on them and it 
seems to have done more damage than good, with the leaf endings on some 
plants brown and dead, is that to do with the fertillizer?
if ya can help me out, feel free to.
PaPa Fung