[CH] My Reward

The Adair's (adair@digisys.net)
Thu, 19 Aug 1999 21:35:08 -0700

<color><param>0100,0100,0100</param><bigger>Fellow Heads,     

Today my wife pried me out of bed, forced breakfast      
down my gullet and informed me we were going      
huckleberry picking (I hate huckleberry picking!).  We     
 met her brother his wife and our two nieces      
approximately 30 miles from nowhere at about 6,000      
feet from sea level.  I endured MANY hours of hot sun,   
 bugs and steep hills.  We came home with 5 gallons of 
  huckleberries and a great thirst.     

It's traditional after a day of huckleberry picking to      
indulge in one of this areas great drinks, huckleberry      
daiquiries (jeez, I hope I spelled that right, I can't find      
my dictionary and the spell checker doesn't recognize    
  the word and, well, I've had a few of them now).       
Anyway, I'm sipping on my second, and the light went    
  off over my skull, just like in the cartoons!  I'm thinking 
  to myself, this would taste great with a little hab in it.   
 So the next batch I whipped up I added 1 stemmed   
Hab that was diced up seeds and all.  PERFECTION!   I 
 made up several more batches of this recipe adding an  
additional hab to each batch and everyone drank it  
although my wife says we're probably all gonna die (an  
overdose of fresh fruit and an overdose of habs at the  
same time, I'm sure you all know the implications of  
this!).  My sister in law burped delicately (twice) and  
informed me I was one Twisted Monkey.     

Me, I'm supremely satisfied individual.  After all, I feel     
 I've just created the perfect drink!  What do you think I   
 ought to call it?   

Tim in Kalispell        
