Lisa, NE Penns Woods is certainly central to the eastern CHers. I'm in western Mass, I'd hop down to your fest and continue on to Camden Yards (the loveliest ballpark in America) listening to Oldies in the car. You might consider volunteer booths to impart chile knowlege manned (womanned) by folks from this list. Bill the fest as "all you ever wanted to know about ... growing, grinding, saucing, and selling chiles" Invite sellers to underwrite your costs, turn a bigger profit, sell ristras, invite Mild to Wild Jim Campbell (grower, saucer, seller), "everything from Anchos to Scotch Bonnets...spice up your heart-healthy recipes" and et cetera. Gareth the ChileKnight (get Mark to put down his scissors, get Chet to talk about wintering over plants, get Byron to extol the virtues of not feeding plants... and more)