RE: [CH] Want to eat habanero's on network TV?

Goslowsky, George (
Fri, 10 Sep 1999 09:45:39 -0500

Well Chuck, I think that if they want somebody bad enough, that they would
pay to fly him over.  They did say "all expenses paid".  I would love to try
this, but I just don't have the heat tolerance.  At this point I can eat
Thai's and chiltepins straight, but not habaneros.  Yet.  B-)

	This sounds like a job for Luke, except that he lives in Australia.

	As I recall, he won the Hot pepper eating contest in Australia, 
	and they started qualifications off by eating 10 habaneros.

	Chuck Demas
	Needham, Mass.

George J. Goslowsky
Senior Software Analyst
Intergraph, Corp.

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