Thanks to Garry Mass for the recipes for the pickles and sour pack chiles. I just canned 6 pints of sliced pickles and 7 pints of a mixture of super chiles and jalapenos. I am dog tired. That takes some work! The only thing is, according to the recipe, you're supposed to boil the lids to soften the seal. I've always heard you're not supposed to boil those at all because it can cause it not to seal, but I did some in just hot water and some in boiling water and 2 of the ones in boiling water didn't seal properly. But I do appreciate the recipes. Can't wait to try them! I guess I'll try the peppers soon since I'll just put the ones that didn't seal in the fridge. thanks for another idea of what to do with all these chiles (I have frozen them, dehydrated and powdered them, hung them on ristras and pickled them). We should be stocked for the winter! -- Vikki M.