RE: [CH] skunks

Bloechl, Sharen Rund (
Tue, 05 Oct 1999 06:51:07 -0700

I get them on deck every now & then - I usually rap my ring on the window &
they scurry off - most of the nocturnals will run away with a little noise -
for the more persistent [racoons & possums] I have a wood closet rod (about
4 feet long) that I tap on the deck - the red fox responds like the skunks,
a little rap on the window - they like to check out the deck for any scraps
the cats may have left behind or to drink the water 

Sharen Rund Bloechl

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Sent:  Monday, October 04, 1999 3:36 PM
Subject:  [CH] skunks

My experience with skunks - Had a nest of them under my front porch (poured 
concrete). I ran a hose from my lawn mower exhaust to the opening and let 
mower run for about 30 minutes then filled the opening with dirt. No more 
skunks and surprisingly no dead animal odor. About two weeks later there was

a faint skunk odor for a couple of days. Later (several years) another den
skunks dug under the poured concrete floor of my work shop from the gravel 
floor of the adjoining machinery shed. For a while I had skunks everywhere.
finally run the garden hose into the den. Out came a soggy skunk and never 
did return. They do not like a wet bed. Actually they are rather interesting

to watch as long as you do not excite them. I could go into the machinery 
shed and see some then just rustle my foot around in the gravel and they 
would take cover for a while. I have been lucky not to excite one to the 
point of self defense.