My younger brother, who has a bit of an affinity for hot food-has been growing peppers longer than I have and prides himself on a collection of unusual hot sauce-had a birthday dinner for his girlfriend, my sister and me last night. Poor guy, surrounded by Libra women. Anyway, he mentioned to me that he had a concern about one of his habanero plants, in his words..."The peppers get bigger, and turn red." Oh, guess I'd better take a look at this one! Sure enough, there they were, size of a golf ball, bright red...come to mama! Only one was really ripe, but I have it, jealously guarded...the seeds are going into dirt at the first possible moment! Did score some of his regular habs, and since I was firing up the smoker today anyway, they went in there along with some of my serannos. Now, what do I do with these things again? Besides my first impulse of course, which is to just eat them. Marilyn