Dear Dande Lurker Hirschi {You say savana we say savina let's call the whole thing nitpickin' off.} >Now... what to cook? Cooking with Chile Peppers >I'm thinking of doing a carrot cake with a few Savanas >--any suggestions on how many to use as a starting point? [Nice hat: ] You might start by varying this recipe from the same URL: "3 c flour 1 c liquid yadda yadda plus 2 ounces (or more/less) ground dried Red Savina Habanero" [which is probably 8 ounces (more or less - CMA) fresh savinas and ~6 ounces less liquid - you know how bread dough's supposed to feel when it's perfectly kneadable - use gloves - neither too dry nor too wet]. In detail: THE BREAD (Jim Campbell's Bread) Betsy Couch has more recipes here: >If I get really daring (or is that suicidal) I'm going to try a few savana >poppers... I'll post details if I survive :) The 'good' news is, so far, even with my Ouija board, I haven't yet heard from anyone that hasn't :) The 'bad' news is if you don't have those ER paddles handy, it's probably better to gradually build a tolerance to capsaicin over the years: "In the case of ventricular fibrillation, there is approximately a 10% decline in a patient's chance of survival with each passing minute. Defibrillation delayed longer than 10 to 12 minutes yields a virtual zero probability of survival." Party hearty.