Re: [CH] Hunan eye

Frank Andrew Stevenson (
Thu, 4 Nov 1999 17:11:26 +0100 (CET)

On Thu, 4 Nov 1999, Jim DeLillo wrote:

> Jim McGrath wrote:
> > I was slurping "Pasta from Hell" noodles at the East Coast Grill one night
> > when one of the noodles backlashed and slapped me right across the eyeball.
> >  I didn't think I would ever be able to see from that eye again.
> >
> > Jim

Reminds me when I was shaking a newly aquired bottle of Iguana Radioactive
Atomic Pepper sauce, and didn't notice that the cap was cracked. On first
violent shake a huge squirt shoots up and covers the ceiling, a few drops
of which took the straight shortpath to my right eye.

It gave me a chance to test if it is true that capsiacine cause
involuantry closure of the eye. If opening eyes with fingers disqualifies,
I hold it to be true. Luckily I had one eye to see with so I could wash
off, and cool down with towels and ice cubes.

When the whole ordeal was over I think the non-saline water did more
damage to the eye than the peppers, it was more than a little bloodshoot.
