Re: [CH] One for Texans

Sushi (
Mon, 22 Nov 1999 09:34:03 -0600

At 09:28 AM 11/22/99 +0000, you wrote:

>It's brain picking time !!
>While wandering through the local supermarket I stumbled across a bottle of
>'Dan T's Inferno'.  The packaging looks good but has anyone tried this
>range, before I crack the bottle ?

         Dan T's stuff is pretty big in England {at least, that's where I 
saw it} and supposed to be worth a try. :)  It's also hot enough that my 
now-fiance wouldn't actually let me buy/try any for fear for my health.  As 
I recall, there's a ratings system on the bottles which roughly corresponds 
to the nine circles of Hell or something similar.  The mild sauces are 
supposed to be hot enough to keel over the average person, and the hottest 
ones tend to rely, I do believe, on Scotch bonnets or habaneros.  This *is* 
from memory, and a couple of years old at that, so I'll ask him later and 
see if he can confirm. :)

         Still tempted to see if Stu can bring over a few bottles,

"The e-mail of the species is more deadly than the mail." ~~Stephen Fry