[CH] Swedish Chocolate With A Super-Kick

Habanero addict (habanero@extra.netlink.se)
Thu, 25 Nov 1999 01:40:39 +0100

Hi C-Hs,

I posted a recipe for "Swedish Chocolate With A Kick" some days ago.

This is a modification and improvement of that recipe.

Swedish Chocolate With A Super-Kick

2 cups of creamy Milk (we buy the milk at our nighbours farm)
       or Milk mixed with Cream
3 tablespoons Cocoa powder
2 tablespoons Honey
10 large dried Habaneros - freshly ground (to powder)
10 large dried Chipotles - freshly ground (to powder)

Combine all ingredients in a saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring
constantly, until the mixture is well blended and hot. Do not let it boil.


One cup in the morning will wake you up quickly.

Two cups in the evening will give you a good sleep.


Michael Sporrong
Klovet 165
S-446 96 Halanda

Phone:  +46 520 66 80 69
E-mail: hotchili@algonet.se
URL:    http://www.algonet.se/~hotchili/index.html
        - The Virtual Hot Sauce Museum -
ICQ#:   53691083 (Habaņero-addict)

"I may be old, but I refuse to grow up."