Hi! Can someone help me find fhe following hot sauces? They are missing in my collection and the production has probably been discontinued for some of them. La Anita Green Chile Habenero Milagro Country Foods, Ha Chi Wawa! Xtra Hot HabaƱero Sauce Saxis Island Fulcanelli Pepper Sauce 24X Sheto Sauce (Hot and spicy from Africa) Thunder Bay Brazilian Thunder Bay Fire Island Thunder Bay Raspberry Dessert Sauce I would be very grateful if you can help me find one bottle of each of these sauces. Let me know even if you only can find one of them. Mike Michael Sporrong Klovet 165 S-446 96 Halanda SWEDEN Phone: +46 520 66 80 69 E-mail: hotchili@algonet.se (habanero@extra.netlink.se) URL: http://www.algonet.se/~hotchili/index.html - The Virtual Hot Sauce Museum - ICQ#: 53691083 (HabaƱero-addict) "I may be old, but I refuse to grow up."